Should You Make Use of Your Moving Companies Unpacking Service?

The moving ordeal is finally coming to an end. You’re tired, the kids and pets are all over the place, your new life is scheduled to begin immediately, and now you’re faced with the most overwhelming task of them all…unpacking all those boxes.

This is a great time to make use of the help at hand in the form of the moving company unpacking service offered by Iron Horse Relocations. All professional moving companies offer an unpacking service that helps you settle in when you get to the other side. This service usually involves unpacking all your boxes and placing the items onto countertops and other surfaces in each room.

Having your household items unpacked by a professional moving company will not only save you hours but will also give you a great overview of what all needs to fit into each room, helping you plan exactly where every item needs to go. Another bonus is that the moving company will remove all the packaging material and take it for recycling, reducing the clutter and saving you that inevitable slog to the rubbish tip.

Once everything is neatly laid out in front of you, you can start the process of organising:

• Start in the kitchen. Connect all major appliances as well as useful smaller appliances such as the kettle and toaster. Next, store your essentials, such as your day to day crockery, cutlery, pots and pans in places where they will be easy to get to. Finally, pack away the less used items.

• Get your bedroom set up for a good night’s rest. Make the bed and install any shelving or organising units before you start packing things away. This will ensure you keep things tidy right from the start.

• Tackle the bathrooms next. Having all your bathroom essentials such as towels, medication, and body care products easily available will ensure you end and start each day on a positive note.

• If your kids are old enough, get them to arrange and unpack their own rooms. This will keep them occupied and make them feel involved in the moving process while taking a load off your shoulders at the same time.

It’s best to make use of your moving companies unpacking service if you are faced with any of the following circumstances:

• You have young children that need settling in and you just can’t get to everything.

• Your time is limited because of your work situation.

• When there is a major upcoming event that you need to be ready for such as a birthday or Christmas dinner.

• You’re physically not able to lift, carry, push, pull and generally move things around easily.

Blog Images - Should You Make Use of Your Moving Companies Unpacking Service
Iron Horse Relocations Furniture packed and stored - Packing quality offered moving company Cape Town
Iron Horse Relocations Piano loading furniture into transport truck moving company Cape Town
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